How to design and implement unmaneagable and insecure systems

Author:Jos Visser <>
Version:One dot zero
Date: Wed Mar 24 11:08:53 CET 2004

Or: "Why make things simple and straightforward if we can make them complex and wonderful?"

Notice: Try to find the real tense of a report you are reading: Was it done, is it being done, or is something to be done? Reports are now written in four tenses: past tense, present tense, future tense, and pretense. Watch for novel uses of CONGRAM (CONtractor GRAMmer), defined by the imperfect past, the insufficient present, and the absolutely perfect future".
-- Amrom Katz


As we all know, it is actually in nobody's interest that any system (be it software, infrastructure or something else) we design and implement is secure, simple and easy to maintain. For reasons of job security and status elevation, insecure, complex and unmanageable systems deserve our undivided loyalty. Because of this, we need to do anything within our powers to build new systems with similar properties and to extend and complicate existing systems even further.

It breaks my heart to see that, while the intention is surely there, so many of the systems we create are far from the intricate interwoven unfathomable mesh of components they could and should be. It requires skill, perseverence and stamina to build a truly complex and (thereby) unmanageable and insecure system. Without a dedicated effort, the systems we create will be simple and straightforward, thus negating the very purpose of our existence.

Some people think that sheer incompetence is enough to make a system unmanageable. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although it is certainly true that in every simple and secure solution we build, there is a complicated and insecure one trying to break free, it requires dedication to make that happen.

This paper contains guidelines that we should adhere to when designing and implementing systems. It is my hope that by following the instructions laid down here we can realise the full potential of the little gems of simplicity that we still got lying around.


The most beautiful aspect of designing and implementing overly complicated systems is in correct use of the requirements that we have to build to. The quality of any system can be measured against how well it implements the requirements and the better (more far fetched) the requirements, the easier it is for us to let our imagination run wild and to justify a more complex system.

Interpret requirements as set in stone

The core theorem of the art of designing and implementing unmanageable and insecure systems is to take the original requirements (no matter the process through which they came to us) as immutable and set in stone. We all know that one fool can ask more questions than one thousand wise men can possibly answer. By interpreting requirements as axioms that can not be disputed we ensure that one of the other two variables of every process (time or money) must be variable, leading to job security for many (time is variable) or few (money is variable) of us. Revering requirements as laws of nature is also the most precious of your reasons for making any system as complex as you want it to be.

Invent new requirements

If in any situation the original requirements would not justify a system on the scale of magnitude that we are striving for, liberally invent new requirements that will complicate the system beyond anyone's wildest dreams. In order not to draw too much attention to your actions, there must be a sound reasoning behind your introduction of these new requirements. The following list might help here:


When striving to create the most complex (and thereby unmanageable and insecure) system for a given set of requirements, technology is your best friend. Most people's grasp of technology is so low that they won't know whether your design will actually work or not, where its flaws are and whether you're actually telling the truth or just plainly guessing. Selecting complex technology is also your permit for extensive pilot programs and proofs of concept (which take time, and are therefore invaluable to your job security).

Using the age old adagium that every sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, your selection of every advanced technology that you can think off will complicate your system and thus assist you in reaching your overal goal.

Justifying your technology selection can be done from any of the following underlying reasons:

  1. Your advanced requirements require this advanced technoloy.
  2. This technology is a corporate standard.
  3. This technology is "best of breed".
  4. This technology conforms to the "best practices" in the field.
  5. Gartner says that this technology will be the winner in its field (with a 80% probability or more), therefore we must "position" ourselves for it right now.
  6. This is an out-of-the-box solution.

Technology solves all your problems!

Given people's meagre understanding of technology, you can safely proclaim that a particular technology will solve any yet unsolved problems in your design. Good statements to make here are:

Product selection

An important aspect of every design and implementation process is the selection of which tools and products will be used to build, monitor and maintain the system. It is here that great progress can be made in reaching our goal of complex, unmanageable and insecure systems.

It is clear that a prime method of creating the type of systems we aim for is in selecting and using as much complex technology as possible. This means amongst other things always using the highest releases and employing as many advanced features as we can think of. Justifying this is easy once you have done your homework in the requirements arena.

It is obvious that doing a technology push usually involves working as much as possible with advanced proprietary technology from big vendors. The beauty of proprietary solutions is that they usually contain the features that the vendor can sell, as opposed to the features that you actually need. Mostly these features are extremely complex, which plays directly into our hand. Furthermore, maintaining vendor relations enhances your status and insures you against wrong choices since a scapegoat (in the form of the vendor) is readily available. This strategy thus brings you three things at the same time: it enables you to implement complex technology (thus supporting our main goal), but it enhances your status and buys you insurance at the same time.

Disregard open source tools as much as possible

Open source software has the nasty habit of being simple, straightforward and secure. I do not need to stress that this completely opposes everything we stand for! Fortunately, open source software is not difficult to block. Take the following list of arguments that have proven their worth many times over:

Sow fear, uncertainty and doubt, and the unknowing will flock to you for the solution to the problems that you have drawn their attention to!


A big and complex organisation is the ideal cover for your complex and insecure system. Since each department sees only a small part of your entire system, nobody is capable of getting the helicopter view that would show them the width and depth of what you have wrought. Your job security depends largely on your ability to create the system in such a way that everybody needs you in order to make the slightest changes or solve problems. As always, there are time honoured methods of achieving this that you should not ignore:

Ignore your syadmin scope of control

A key factor in creating our ideal unmanageable and insecure system is to ignore your operations department's scope of control. Instead, support the view that it is the sysadmin's job to administer whatever we build. Then, to show them you are a caring and supportive person, define a set of courses they have to go to in order to gather the knowledge and acquire the skills necessary for administering our system. There is never time or budget to attend the courses, so the the sysadmins can not administer the hugely complex software we have burdened them with. But that is not your fault, is it?

Use obfuscated naming standards

The power of a good naming standard should not be ignored lightly. There is nothing that complicates a system as much as using names like "sa01pt03" and "tavzh74". By stubbornly insisting on such naming standards you will also show that you have a clear eye for how structured names help you in categorising complex infrastructures. The more information elements you can hide in a name, the better!

Ignore views and opinions from knowledgable people in the field

Every organisation has a bunch of people running around with an unfortunate combination of talent, insight, experience and vision. It is obvious that these should be marginalised and ignored as much as possible since their goals are not ours. Working tactics here are:

Separation of functions

An important aspect of maintaining the foggy fuzziness that is in fact in everyone's best interest is creating the correct organisational structures. If done correctly you can achieve the following: By referring to common practices as "separation of function" and "need to know" you can ensure that:
  1. Those who understand, can't.
  2. Those who can, don't understand (nor care).
Doing this ensures that loads of people are required for even the simplest of tasks. This invariably leads to overshooting deadlines and budgets, which leads to new deadlines and bigger budgets. It is as simple as this!


(Architecture is the art of wasting space.)

There is no activity so brilliantly suited to supporting our goals of complex and unmanageable systems as that of IT architecture. In real life highly talented individuals go to university for many years to study every possible aspects of designing and creating useful, manageable and overall working buildings. Fortunately in our IT world such outright job security damaging requirements do not exist. You can be a total nitwit with no practical IT experience or understanding whatsoever and still call yourself an architect.

This fact works greatly in our favour. Since nobody knows what IT architecture actually is and how to assess an architecture's quality you can bassically get away with anything as long as you call it "an architecture". The best job of all is acutally being an architect since it usually frees you from any and all responsibility. And if "they" fail to build the system according to your architecture it is blatantly obvious that they "did not get it" and in fact lacked the necessary skills to begin with!

Bad software engineering

Do not underestimate the necessity of bad software engineering! All our efforts to create an unmanageable and insecure system can easily be twarthed by a few reckless individuals who manage to create a well engineered and lucid piece of software that is easy to deploy, configure, debug and administer. It is here that all your skills as a project leader come into play to ensure that the "right" things are prioritized and that you maintain the final say in which technological (S/W engineering) decisions are made.


  1. All configurable settings in one easy to find location.
  2. All logging through a central mechanism.
  3. No manual intervention necessary after a crash.
  4. All error codes and exceptions logged with a stack trace and legible error message.
  5. Automatic (non-manual) deployment.
  6. Automatic re-establishment of lost/dropped connections (to database, network service, message queue).
This list could go on for quite a while, but you understand what I mean. A good reference here is


In this document I briefly delved into the art and science of creating unmanageable and insecure systems. I believe there is much more to say about this topic, but fortunately there are many examples around us. Most of these examples however are not the product of a scientific approach but more often than not the result of gifted amateurs. Or sheer incompetence: You choose.