Coming to Denia?

If you are planning to come to Denia and need some practical information, you have arrived at the right web page!

Travelling to Denia

The travel directions given below focus on travelling from Holland to Denia.

By Car

Driving to Denia is easy. From Amsterdam it takes two days (approx. 22 hours of driving) to get here. There are two major routes through France:
  1. The "route du soleil"
    Drive Amsterdam, Maastricht, Liege, Luxembourg, Metz, Nancy, Dijon, Lyon, Valence (*), Nimes, Montpellier, Perpignan, Barcelona, Tarragona, Castellon, Valencia, Alicante.
  2. Through the central massif
    Drive Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Gent, Lille, Paris, Orleans, Clermont Ferrand(*), Millau, Bezier, Perpignan, Barcelona, Tarragona, Castellon, Valencia, Alicante.

Denia is an exit on the A7 halfway between Valencia and Alicante. Valence and Clermont Ferrand are nice midway locations to spend the night. An interesting diversion on the second route is to go from Clermont Ferrand to Toulouse, through Andorra to Barcelona. Be careful with that tax free shopping because the Spanish customs have a gigantic hall at the Andorran/Spanish border where every car is taken apart and searched...

By Air (Alicante & Valencia)

The two major airports near Denia are in Alicante and Valencia. Alicante is frequented by holiday carriers whereas Valencia is operated by the major carriers (like Alitalia and Iberia). Searching for the least expensive airline ticket is somewhat of a black art though...


First of all I would like to point you to the web site of EBookers (in Holland and in Spain). In my experience it's a pretty good web site and they are usually able to come up with the cheapest regular alternative. You probably have more luck with Ebookers if you're flying to Valencia, since that's the airport that is operated on most frequently by larger carriers.


Transavia operates regular flights out of Amsterdam and Rotterdam to Valencia and Alicante. From Holland to Spain you might be able to book a special discounted fare. The other way round (return tickets that start in Spain) you usually pay the full fare. That's why I usually fly from Valencia to Amsterdam, making connections in unlikely places like Milan and Munich.


German carrier LTU operates daily flights from Duesseldorf to Alicante and back. Duesseldorf airport is just across the Dutch border and easily reached by car or train (there are several international trains a day from Amsterdam to Cologne. Switch trains at Duesseldorf Hbf (head station) to a smaller train to the airport. Long parking at Duesseldorf airport is also relatively cheap.

Other carriers

Other carriers you might want to look into (flying out of Germany) are Air Berlin and Hapag Lloyd.

From the airports to Denia

It's by far the easiest to have yourself be picked up at the airport by friends or relations. From both airports it's about 100km to Denia, making for a stiff taxi ride.
From Alicante airport to Denia
I have no personal experience with getting from Alicante airport to Denia with public transport, but there are mainly two ways: bus and train.

To take the bus you have to get from Alicante airport to the Alicante bus station (taxi?) and take the Alsa bus to Denia.

To go by train you have to get to the small train station of the Lemon Express (be sure to get there; it's not at the Alicante central station!). There are several scenic trains a day from Alicante to Denia.

From Valencia airport to Denia
There is a complete public transport connection from Valencia Airport to Denia, but it's not quick.

From the airport, walk to the train station (follow the road; there's a small sidewalk next to the road; cross over, down the side, through the bushes, across the track and you're at the train station). Board the train heading for Valencia. There are no ticket machines at the station so you have to pay at the exit ("solo ida", no return ticket required). At the main station leave the station, cross the road and take bus 8 to the main bus station. Once there buy a ticket at the Alsa counter for the bus to Denia. You'll end up in the center of Denia after a comfy two hour bus ride...

Alternatively from Valencia station you could take another train to Gandia (20km from Denia) and have yourself be picked up there or take the Alsa bus (actually the same one that leaves from Valencia) to Denia. The Alsa office in Gandia is close to the train station.

By Air (other connections)

Other ways of reaching Denia partly by air are flying into Barcelona or Madrid and making other connections to Denia. Flying to Barcelona/Madrid can be cheap with Basiq Air or EasyJet. Then, from these two cities, take a train to Alicante or Valencia and follow the directions outlined above. Alternatively you could take a bus from these two cities to Denia (Alsa runs regular services). When taking a bus from Barcelona, be sure to watch your belongings because I had my backpack taken from me by a fellow human being when I dozed off for a couple of minutes at Barcelona Sants station!

By Bus

Several international bus companies operate services on Denia. I have never used them, but the ride is long and arduous... Check the web site of EuroLines.

Staying in Denia

If our modest appartment can not accommodate your party you will have to rent a room or apartment/villa. We would like to point you to two friends of ours who might be able to help you:

The two sites above also contain interesting links on what to do in and around Denia.

Last update Tue Jan 14 18:15:12 CET 2003 by